

Holistic Pet Care Courses

Empowering Pet Parents with holistic elements to support the best health for their beloved dogs and cats



I want to bring you with me on a dream.  
When I first adopted my first cat at age 27, I had a dream.  The dream was, I want this wonderful being who I am so in love with to live forever.  I want her to have the best life.  
What I realized next was this: I am responsible for doing my VERY BEST to make this happen. 
Although I knew I am not in charge of how long she lives (because I am not the creator), I wanted to be able to provide her with everything within my power to make my dream of longevity with my Chicona come true.

That is when I Decided...

The next decision I made changed the course of my life and hers forever.

I learned how to make my dream come true to the best of my ability as a human on this planet.


I want this for you.


I want to teach you the what, why and how of providing what is needed to support longevity for your beloved furry friend.  

Chicona began this journey with me at age 10 and she went on to live 15 more years.  She was 25 when she passed into the arms of the angels.  


Where are you on this journey with your furry friend? 


Are you ready to take the next step in providing natural solutions, healthy foods and crucial nutrients for your dog or cat?

I can help.

When I opened Carols Pet Cafe in 2007 my next dream was to empower pet parents with the tools available to provide vitality and health for their pets.

I am now creating courses with this intention and would love for your to be a part of them. 

I have a lot of information to share.

Won't you join me?


 Be on the waitlist for my course Holistic Pet Care 101: A Course empowering you with knowledge of natural pet care alternatives to enhance the life of your dog and cat.

 Join the Waitlist below: