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Holistic Aid for Digestive Upsets in Dogs & Cats

Writer's picture: Dr. Carol DorseyDr. Carol Dorsey

Updated: Oct 6, 2024

As a pet parent, I have experienced many levels of gut distress in my pets, especially in my dogs. 

This may be revealed as obvious symptoms in my dog or cat like vomiting, diarrhea, acid vomit, and bloody diarrhea.

However, it may also show up as skin disorders, chronic itching, scratching, ear infections, rashes, food aversion, lethargy, grumble belly, gas, and even some chronic illnesses like cancer, diabetes, and others. 

Because our pets are dependent on us to feed them, it is important to supplement with the appropriate friendly bacteria to supply their guts with beneficial elements for digestion so they can thrive and heal.

In the wild, their pet cousins, like coyote and wolf, feed on the stomach contents and intestines of their prey which provide the beneficial bacteria needed to support a healthy gut and immune system. 

Indoor cats also can experience this lack of beneficial organisms for the same reason. I emphasize "indoor" since some cats catch prey if they are able to roam and most likely receive some benefits of healthy gut population.  Even still, it doesn't harm our pets to provide additional supplementation to ensure they are receiving what they need.

Which holistic probiotic supplement do you choose?

This will depend on the symptoms your pet may be experiencing. There are several options:

yeast free fido

Yeast Guard for yeast overgrowth-If your pet is experiencing some chronic issues that don't seem to be going away any time soon and may even be getting worse, they probably have a Yeast overgrowth and need extra support.

Yeast overgrowth is caused from lack of beneficial bacteria in the gut, and can also manifest itself in other areas of the body. 

The Beneficial bacteria were not able to control the yeast(fungus) so it will show itself in a myriad of ways- chronic ear infections, skin rashes, chronic itching, hair loss, sores, eye infections, and your pet will be pretty miserable. 

I would suggest Yeast Free Fido until your pet is back on track. This is a 3 supplement combination of Yeast Guard, Gut Guard and Digest.

yeast guard

Yeast Guard is very helpful if there is not an extreme issue or concern and you want to make sure your pet is not over run by yeast overgrowth. 

Otherwise I recommend   Yeast Free Fido

Yeast guard works by breaking down the sticky film the yeast use to protect themselves from the immune system and beneficial bacteria. And I would suggest using the  Protect or Bifido product in conjunction to add beneficial bacteria.



Colostrum can help many conditions especially with sensitive bellies and older pets. Colostrum is the first milk from the cow which provides immune support, antibodies, growth hormone, and is easily digestible. However, I would also add the  Protect product or Bifido when giving this to also help supplement the gut with beneficial bacteria.

bifico for fido probiotic

Bifido for Fido- is another good solid probiotic/prebiotic blend that will aid digestion, combat yeast, fight off pathogens, help with bacterial imbalance.

protect probiotic


Protect-soil based probiotics- This is an all around good probiotic, I like this product as a general supplement for pets with no immediate or alarming distress concerns. it helps to detoxify the gut with the bentonite clay and burdock root, support the liver with the dandelion root powder, while offering prebiotics to feed healthy bacteria and probiotics to add beneficial bacteria.

gut guard

 This is a more targeted approach to gut health and offers many benefits. The ingredients in this product are designed to soothe the digestive tract, detoxify, support and add beneficial bacteria to the gut.

This product would be good for pets with clear signs of digestive distress- vomiting, diarrhea, bloody diarrhea, and if they have been on chronic use of steroids, antibiotics, NSAIDS or anything that would deplete and cause strain on their digestive systems.

If your pet has been on steroids, anti-biotics, NSAIDS, kibble diet, cooked diet and/or is showing symptoms that his/her gut is in distress, it is time to add probiotics and possibly yeast removal supplements to your pets diet (mentioned above. )

I cannot overestimate enough the importance of gut health in your pets.

Dosage Amounts

The dosage amounts for each product will be based on the weight of your pet. Always start on a 1/4 or 1/2 dose and work your way up to the full dose over a period of 2 weeks.

When introducing new products to our pets, we do not want to shock their system. This could cause diarrhea and other issues, which we are trying to resolve. Slow and steady wins the race.

Please be patient if your pet is experiencing symptoms. It takes time for the body to find balance again. If it is immediately necessary to also have your pet on steroids or antibiotics, give the supplement dosage at the times when these medications are not being given.

Otherwise, it will counteract the probiotic supplement.

Antibiotics, steroids,, NSAIDS do damage to the gut, and kill good and bad bacteria which makes it difficult if not impossible for your pets body to absorb nutrients properly.

Gut health is the #1 reason for all disease or lack of disease in the body. It all starts there. Managing your pets microbes will help provide longevity and a happy life.

If you have questions or concerns about these products or others, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Happy Pets, Happy Life!


Dr. Carol

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